What Advice Can Modern Students Give To Upcoming University Applicants

Soon there will be more new students embarking on their first year of university. It's a scary time, full of uncertainty. However, there are plenty of students who have already been through it all and have some good advice to share. Here's the best advice modern students have for current university applicants.

The first few weeks are scary, at best. There's so many new people, and you're in a whole new environment. It's overwhelming and sometimes you just want to lock yourself away. While having some time to yourself is healthy, don't stay in your room forever.

Your university will have all kinds of events on for you in the first weeks of the year. Attend some that sound interesting to you, and get talking to people. Chat to the people in your classes. You'll have at least one thing in common, after all. Just put yourself out there.

On the flip side of this advice, know when it's time to take a break. That can be a break from studying, or from socialising. Either can make you feel burned out if you're not careful. If you're studying, walk away from the books and make yourself a drink for a few minutes. Avoid all nighters too, as they're unproductive in the long run.

If you're friends with people who party every night, feel free to say 'no' to the odd invite. If you can't keep up with that lifestyle, it's not a failing. If they're good friends, they'll invite you out again. Don't worry too much about it.

There's so many facilities available at university and most students never even know they're there. When you start, look into what's available on campus, or in your living space. There could be anything from a gym to a reasonably priced cafe or bar. And don't forget your library! University libraries offer a whole lot more than educational materials. There's often DVD rentals and other entertainment, all available for free.

Many students struggle alone, believing that they should know the answer and can't ask for help. After all, you're an adult at university now, shouldn't you know how to do this? In fact, being a responsible adult means being able to ask for help if you need it. If you're struggling with assignments, talk to your professor. If you're having issues with your physical or mental health, talk to a doctor. If you're having issues cooking dinner, ask a more knowledgeable friend. Just don't keep it to yourself.

It's so easy to get caught up in every day university life that you can neglect your assignments until the last second. This happens to every student at some point, but you can learn from it. Make a point to learn how to manage your time. Make schedules, and stick to them. The better you can manage your time, the more relaxed you'll be about your responsibilities.

The great thing about university is that it gives you the chance to explore all your options. Many a student has come to university thinking they want to do one thing, but leave to do something else entirely. This is your time to really explore what it is you want to do with your life. Make sure you really look into your options, and don't stick rigidly to the first idea you had. Even if you go back to it later, you'll be fully informed.

You'll get way more out of your time at university when you actually partake in the academic process. Attend your classes, and read around your subject. You won't get everything you need from the lectures you attend every week. Plus, if you actually show up, your professors will be much more likely to help you when you need it.

There's so much going on, and it's easy to feel as though you're missing out. Because of this, you'll say yes to everything and wear yourself out trying to keep up. In your first weeks, this is fine, you're trying stuff out. After a while though, learn to say no.

This advice is designed to help you find your own way through university. Get out there and find out who you are, and learn what you want in life.